Nearly 500 educators, community members, friends and lay leaders gathered on Tuesday, February 21 to make this year’s ATT celebration of educators an inspiring evening celebrating Jewish education in Chicago.

At the event held at the Ateres Ayala Simcha Hall, the Hartman Family Foundation Educator of the Year Awards were presented to the following outstanding educators:
Mrs. Malka Loterstein, (Arie Crown Hebrew Day School)
Rabbi Ephraim Kletenik (Yeshivas Tiferes Tzvi)
Mr. Chaim Safier (Hillel Torah North Suburban Day School)
The award and selection process are designed to highlight the outstanding and innovative efforts of our educators. The ATT and Hartman Family Foundation hope that through the awarding of this prize not only three of the most outstanding teachers in Chicago are recognized, but the award also further elevates and ennobles the entire profession in the eyes of our community.
Awards are selected by a committee of educational consultants and community members. Selection criteria for the Educator Award include exceptional instructional skills in a nurturing environment, commitment to one’s students’ success, superior communication skills with parents, students, and peers, commitment to continued professional development, and contributions to one’s school’s learning community.
Mrs. Loterstein’s award is sponsored in memory of Gayle Anne Herwitz. Watch a video featuring her contribution to day school education below.
Watch a video featuring Rabbi Kletenik’s and Mr. Chaim Safier‘s contribution to day school education below.
The evening concluded with an auction for Rebbeim, Moros, and Teachers only. The ATT looks forward to continuing to find ways of showing our hakoros hatov to all of the dedicated educators in our city.
The program also highlighted ways the ATT team are proud to support teachers, administrators and students.
The ATT has over a 90-year history of supporting Chicago Jewish day schools.
Thank you to the ATT staff and lay leadership who made this year’s annual dinner such a success.